速報APP / 醫療 / Light Box Loupe

Light Box Loupe



檔案大小:1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Light Box Loupe(圖1)-速報App

Light Box Loupe is the easy iOS solution for proofing and saving film negatives (and reversal film) in real-time.

Light Box Loupe allows you to take advantage of the iOS device's large screen and imaging capabilities to view a magnified positive image from original film negative or positive transparencies. It allows you to see the film images as if a proof print were made and then save the live view result to the Photos App on your device.

Light Box Loupe(圖2)-速報App

Light Box Loupe also has light box functionality as part of the App. Working with two iOS devices, you can set one in LB mode to have a uniform white, light box surface to backlight your film material and then with the other, a magnified live view viewer to evaluate a nearly correct positive black and white or color image.

Light Box Loupe is useful in helping to view and organize large quantities of film material without the need of a proof print or scanner. It is not meant to replace film scanning but help in organizing quantities of film images for later high quality scanning and preservation.

There may a lag in physical device movement and the corresponding image updating on-screen. This is due to the use of motion stabilization to aid in steadying of any sudden movement while viewing.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad